year of the bog

The End is Not an Option: Carrier Bags and the Rhythm of the Bog

I’ve spent a lot of the last years in bogland – literal and metaphysical. For six years I obsessively returned to a river in Lancashire, (U.K.). I spent most of my time on top of the peat fells (big swathes of high altitude, boggy moorland with flat tops), looking for the source of small rivers that swell out of the wetland and spill down the cracks they make in the hillsides.

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shiny 3D letters fall through space, reading "bogside down part 1" 19-21 November, , Jennifer Mehigan, CHASCHA collectiv, Feminist Healthcare Research Group.

bogside down teil 1

19-21 November, 2021
@ feldfünf e.V.
Fromet-und-Moses-Mendelssohn-Platz 7-8
10969 Berlin

und Online

Ein paar Nächte in der Wohnung eines*r Freund*in, eine Zoom-Selbsthilfegruppe, ein Telegram-Chat, der kostenlose Hormone zum Teilen anbietet: dies sind die Sümpfe der Queer Commons, auf die sich viele von uns verlassen. In einer auf den Kopf gestellten hyperkapitalistischen Welt lädt COVEN BERLIN zu bogside down Teil 1 ein: ein Wochenende voller Diskussionen und Workshops zu alternativen Strukturen, die uns Support bieten können, wenn die Außenwelt nicht kann oder will.

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shiny 3D letters fall through space, reading "bogside down part 1" 19-21 November, , Jennifer Mehigan, CHASCHA collectiv, Feminist Healthcare Research Group.

bogside down part 1

November 19-21 2021

at feldfünf e.V.
Fromet-und-Moses-Mendelssohn-Platz 7-8
10969 Berlin

and online

A few nights in a friend’s apartment, a Zoom support group, a Telegram chat that share free hormones: these are the bogs of queer commons some of us rely on. In an upside down hyper-capitalist world, COVEN BERLIN welcomes you to bogside down part 1: a weekend of discussion and workshops looking at the alternative structures that support us when the outside world can’t or refuses to.

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A bird's eye view of where the river Tietê, São Paulo used to be, and is now is dried and filled with cars, appearing to have been abandoned in the middle of a traffic jam. Green trees and bushes grow above many car tops, between concrete walls.

I try to remember and all I can taste is earth.

I am writing this days after the Ahr river flooded in the west of Germany, killing 184 people.* The pictures, a friend says, look photoshopped, as they show me how to move the cursor from right to left, displaying the before and after scenes. All I can think is ‘less green.’ The same friend tells me of the flooding of the Elbe river that happened in 2002, and that it was Eurocentrically named “the flood of the century” (Jahrhundert Flut). After all, most floods of this century have not covered European soil. The broken banks are presented as a governmental failure to predict, re-inforce, and secure. Control measures failed and Germany’s immunity to climate disaster has been torn a little, despite the appearance of success. The holy see it as a message from God, the capitalists call it a time for harder intervention and more capable management, and time travellers say, as with every so-called year, this is the year of the bog.

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A bog (engl., Subst.) – das Moor.
Das Moor ist ein Feuchtgebiet und wird in der Bodenkunde als organischer Boden erfasst. Durch niederschlagsreiches Wetter und hohe Luftfeuchtigkeit entsteht ganzjährig ein sauerstoff- und nährstoffarmes Feuchtbiotop mit Torfablagerungen, welches die Grundlage charakteristischer Lebensformen bildet.

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